Exciting use cases, creative implementations and strong performance KPIs.

Here you can find out how our customers have used Direct Mail Automation in their company to turn direct mail into a performance channel.

About the optilyz
Direct Mail Automation Awards 2024

Which steps can be taken to turn Direct Mail into a successful performance channel? The optilyz Direct Mail Automation Awards 2024 reveal it! We will take you behind the scenes of renowned companies and exciting use cases. Through valuable practical examples from different industries, you will gain valuable insights that will help you to implement direct mail automation in practice in an agile and successful way.

Our categories of the optilyz Direct Mail Automation Awards 2024

Rising Star
With the “Rising Star” award, we honour the company whose proactive approach and practical relevance has impressed us.

One example of this could be the transition from previously unimple-mented direct mail to high-volume, automated direct mail campaigns.
ROI Leader
In this category, we highlight a company that has taken a meticulous approach to automating direct mail campaigns.

It has not only demonstrated the ability to track and manage numbers & data effortlessly, but has also achieved a positive return on investment.
Creative Concept
The “Creative Concept” award honours the extraordinary commitment to inspiring customers with innovative, unconventional methods.

The company’s campaigns are characterised in particular by creativity and ingenuity, making them stand out from the crowd.
Cross-Channel Champion
The effectiveness of direct mail is particularly evident when it is integrated into cross-channel campaigns.

This award recognises the company that has most cleverly combined direct mail with emails, WhatsApp or app push notifications.
International Growth
With the “Rising Star” award, we honour the company whose proactive approach and practical relevance has impressed us.

One example of this could be the transition from previously unimplemented direct mail to high-volume, automated direct mail campaigns.

Who are the winners?

Cross-Channel Champion
International Growth
Creative Concept
Rising Star
ROI Leader

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